Submit a blog


If you are interested in writing a blog for the Southern Responses to Displacement project please send a message outlining your idea to Prof. Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh on

We encourage submissions from anyone interested in contributing to our website, and are happy to publish pieces written in English, Arabic, French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. While our project is examining responses to contemporary displacement from Syria, submissions are welcome that relate to other historical and contemporary situations of displacement.

Themes that are of particular interest to this blog include:

  1. different ways of conceptualising ‘Southern-led responses’, including conceptualisations of ‘the Global South’ and of ‘response/non-response;
  2. diverse forms of Southern-led responses to conflict-induced displacement;
  3. the (un)official motivations, nature and implications of Southern-led responses;
  4. refugees’ experiences, perceptions and conceptualisations of Southern-led responses, including whether refugees conceptualise these responses ‘as’ humanitarian in nature (or, for instance, as politically or ideologically motivated);
  5. diverse Southern and Northern actors’ perceptions of Southern-led responses;
  6. the implications of Southern-led initiatives for humanitarian theory and practice.

Submissions are encouraged in a variety of formats, languages and styles including creative submissions, such as poetry, creative writings, photographs and podcasts.

We expect written submissions to not exceed 800 – 1200  words in length. We encourage authors to adopt an engaging and accessible style in their writing given this project’s interest in reaching out to a wider audience.

For further information regarding submitting a blog to the Southern Responses to Displacement project contact Prof. Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh on

Photo Credit:  Hamra CW Workshop, April 2018.  (c) E. Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, 2018

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